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  • Defroster


Trade Name:Anti-frosting agent for silicone rubber
Appearance:Micron yellow paste
Specific gravity:(25℃):1.1g/cm3
Effective Substance Content:50%
Add Proportion:0.5%-0.8%

+86 183 6235 7257

Product Details

Trade Name
Anti-frosting agent for silicone rubber
Micron yellow paste
Specific gravity
(25℃):1.1 g /cm3
Effective Substance Content
Add Proportion

Usage Method

It is added together with vulcanizing agent at the same time when making rubber.

Characteristics of Use

1, The product is easy to operate, permanent defrosting.
2, For color silicone rubber tubes / strips or molded products, can permanently control the phenomenon of frost spitting white, does not affect the physical properties of the product.
3, The product uses imported raw materials non-toxic and tasteless, this product is suitable for all hot air vulcanization of silicone rubber products.
4, The ingredients are in line with the EU FDA, PAHS, REACH substance restrictions.


1, Avoid contact with eyes;
2, Keep sealed when not in use.

Packaging and Storage

1, This product is packed in 20kg polyethylene plastic drums.
2, The product should be stored in a dry and ventilated place under normal temperature, avoiding contact with acids and alkalis.
3, Stored and transported as non-dangerous goods.
4, Shelf life: 24 months

Since we cannot predict and control the circumstances and conditions under which the above information and products will be used, we cannot accept responsibility for any damage, injury or loss of any kind that may result from the use of the above information.
For more detailed information, please contact one of our product engineers who will be available to talk to you.


+86 183 6235 7257
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